Yubi key iphone
Yubi key iphone

yubi key iphone

Hold the YubiKey 5 NFC or YubiKey NEO to the top of your phone or near the camera (you may need to experiment with positioning depending on phone model).Log in using your username and password (if requested).Go to the website requesting SURFsecureID authentication.If you have an iPhone that supports background NFC NDEF tag reading (requires iPhone XS and later) and would like to test your NFC-enabled YubiKey (Security Key NFC not supported) on iOS, follow the steps below: The long description is here: Using iPhone XS and newer It depends on the model of your iPhone how this is done.

yubi key iphone

If you have an Yubikey with NFC capabilities, and your iPhone also supports NFC, you can use an app to read the OTP code from your Yubikey, and past it to the SURFsecureID website when asked. Here your yubikey acts as an keyboard, and types an OneTime Password. There are Yubikeys Available that (also) have a lightning connector to connect them directly to your phone. For many institutions, only OTP is activated. SURFsecureID supports two of these techniques: OTP en FIDO2. Yubikey offers different techniques to authenticate safely.

Yubi key iphone